Think of this as a glimpse of the end of summer; a last trip where every detour leads to a new discovery! Welcome to Peratallada (not too far from Barcelona): a place with a story to tell. Tune into our playlist for the full experience.

Your first clue that this is a special town is the medieval stone that shapes the streets, held in place, it seems, by the flowers that grow through the gaps. Waiting just around the corner is Peratallada’s most famous resident: a ginger cat.

The cat is an excellent judge of character, so if he comes to say hello, consider yourself welcomed. In the mornings, you’ll see him visiting every door - and picking up a treat or two along the way.

Now’s the time to relax, take it easy, and enjoy the simple pleasures of sunshine and solitude. Many of the shops here offer locally made goods, quenching any thirst for sustainability.

The warm Spanish sun sinks slowly over the town, filling it with a yellow glow. You take a picnic on the outskirts and enjoy the sweet scent of hay that brings with it so many memories of country summers.

However you end (or begin) your holidays, we hope you enjoy them in your favourite TWOTHIRDS clothing. Buen viaje! Bon voyage! Safe journey!