Summer Flow (noun). Meaning: a feeling of weightless joy, appearing around the middle of the year. Causes: exposure to sunlight, delicious ice cream, and the latest TWOTHIRDS outfits. Sounds like: our new playlist, which you can listen to while taking an imaginary walk around the town of Cadaqués.
With its white walls and blue doors, its charismatic trees, and salt-swept rocks, Cadaqués is the kind of place that latches onto your soul and never lets go.
As morning slides into afternoon, slip into this cobalt blue jumpsuit. A nautical colour in a wavy fabric, just what you’d expect from us. On the other hand, our new men’s tees will give you something to smile about.
Wer hat gesagt, es würde keine Romantik mehr geben? Mach es dir mit unseren recycelten Handtüchern gemütlich, lass dich von der Natur inspirieren und Slow Fashion zu deiner nächsten Liebesaffäre werden.
In towns like these, life is defined by the turning of the tide, rather than the ticking of a clock or the buzz of an app. A handy reminder to go with the summer flow.
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