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5 Ways To Keep Kids Active & Eco This Summer

5 min read

5 Ways To Keep Kids Active & Eco This Summer

Whether you have boisterous toddlers on your hands or hard-to-please teenagers, it can be a difficult task to find summer activities you can do as a family, which keep them active but in an eco-friendly way. Here are just some last minute ideas for parents and Children of the Ocean, who have their sustainable fashion outfits and eco-friendly swimwear sorted but still find themselves at a loss with what to do this summer.

Harness Wind & Wave Power

Being a sustainable fashion brand that was founded to care for what we love most: our ocean, it’s hardly a surprise that our first suggestion involves grabbing those sustainable swimsuits and sustainable bikinis to hit the beach with. Most popular beaches these days will have a watersports centre of some variety, all of which will offer activities for a multitude of age groups. The other huge advantage of such places is that they require almost no fuel or electricity to run, relying solely on wind and wave power.

Usually it’s possible to pay a day rate to gain access to the entirety of a centre’s equipment, meaning you and the kids can try your hand at everything from sailing to windsurfing to surfing to paddle boarding, or whatever the weather dictates. After a day of wrestling with the elements, kids will love nothing more than snuggling up in their sustainable hoodies and eco-friendly sweatshirts. Don’t be surprised if they come begging you to return for more the following day. We know firsthand just how addictive water sports can be!

Ride Animals Instead Of Eating Or Wearing Them

Animals get something of a harsh deal from the climate crisis. On the one hand they are blamed for C02 emissions and land use, while on the other hand natural species have their habitats eroded or polluted. It’s exactly for this reason that many of our sustainable dresses, eco-friendly skirts and fair trade trousers are suitable for vegans. As a sustainable fashion brand we’re always looking at ways to cut animal-based fabrics from our eco fashion offering, while actively encouraging people to give the vegan lifestyle a go. After all, most studies have shown that only by switching to a vegan diet will humanity be able to keep the planet cool enough for all life to thrive.

A great way to build empathy for the animal kingdom amongst your brood is to have them go horse riding. A far cry from the questionable practices of horse racing tracks, most riding stables are all about caring for the welfare of their animals, while enabling the general public to build invaluable bonds with these majestic beasts. Taster classes with all the relevant equipment included are a great way for the whole family to reconnect with nature. Who knows, it may just convince you all to ditch meat once and for all. Our sustainable activewear and eco-friendly leggings are particularly suited to riding in warm, dry weather. 

Hike For Your Picnic

Sometimes the best activities are those that don’t cost a thing. Simply pack their hiking boots along with a spare change of sustainable t-shirts and eco-friendly shorts, then hit the hills! A great way to turn any hike into a real adventure is to take a picnic along with you. Splay your blanket out in a scenic spot on a remote mountainside or forest glade and watch as your little ones are energised by little more than nature’s sights and sounds.

The beauty of hiking is that it is a gateway activity to other more exciting outdoor pursuits such as via ferrata, rock climbing, trail running or even paragliding. If you do happen to go hiking in local hills or mountains this summer, be sure to prepare for all weather eventualities. It’s always wise to pack ethical knits, sustainable sweatshirts and even an eco jacket or two, just in case your crew get caught in a freak storm or temperatures drop - something that can easily happen at altitude. All this sense of uncertainty simply adds to the excitement of any hiking adventure.

Sign Them Up For Eco Activism Camp

Summer camps are a great way of getting kids out of their comfort zone, while giving them the chance to make new friends and build self-esteem outside of a school or family setting. While most summer camps revolve around some kind of arts, crafts or sporting activities, there are other camps out there that help your little ones harness their inner Greta Thunberg.

Of course, rocking up to such an eco-minded camp dressed from head to toe in fast fashion is probably not the done thing, so why not treat your kids to some sustainable outfits consisting of eco-friendly t-shirts, sustainable shorts and ethical sweatshirts.

Take A Train To Someplace New

We don’t know about you, but as cities get hotter and hotter places to live we find ourselves pining to escape to the countryside. This can often be tricky if you don’t have a car, but fortunately trains offer a safe and eco-friendly way to get out there and explore beyond the city limits. 

There’s something all the more magical about travelling to your latest adventure by train, probably because you can relax as a family rather than squabbling over directions or who gets the middle seat. Simply dress appropriately in sustainable shirts, sustainable jeans, or whatever best suits the adventure you have planned at your final destination, and then jump right into it, knowing that you won’t have to contend with traffic jams on your dreaded return journey to the city.