TWOTHIRDS of our world is covered by water. We love it so much we named our brand after it. But did you know that just 3% of that water is freshwater? This fact brings into sharp focus just how precious, and scarce, water really is.
According to the UN, 2.2 billion people around the globe lack safe drinking water. With this in mind and to celebrate World Water Day 2025 (March 22nd), our roving TWOTHIRDS TV reporter, Sonia, took to the streets to ask the Barcelona public how they both save and waste water in their daily lives.
The Conscious Gardener
Keep an eye on the way our whale reacts to how people save and waste water!
Gardening has a bigger impact on water consumption than you might think. In the US, the irrigation of garden lawns alone is thought to account for one-third of all residential water use (9 billion gallons per day!)
The Thoughtful Washer
Are you one of those people who leave the tap running while you brush your teeth? Do you fill the sink and then wash your face or keep the tap running?
Small wasteful habits die hard, but even small changes to your daily routine can have a meaningful impact. Not leaving the tap on while you wash. Installing a water saving flush on your toilet. All these actions add up.
The Shower Addict
We think 15 minutes, let alone 30 minutes, is a crazy amount of time in the shower! But what do you think?
Barcelona has been grappling with severe drought for years. In 2024, Barcelona households were restricted to the use of just 200 litres per day. One 30 minute shower can eclipse that entire allowance…
What Else Can We Do Together To Save Water?
While saving water at home is incredibly important, especially in cities prone to drought like Barcelona, it is also worth remembering that our purchasing habits can have big water impacts on communities far away from our own.
Pesticide-heavy and water-intensive cotton farming is responsible for unnecessary water waste and pollution in the global south. By shopping chemical-free, low water impact, organic cotton you reduce the risk of poor communities having their water stolen or polluted.
We also believe that water intensive manufacturing processes such as dying should take place close to home, where we can ensure factories are not overusing water, nor polluting rivers and oceans. Yet another reason why vowing to shop locally with a brand like TWOTHIRDS, whose products are 100% Made in Europe, is a great way to celebrate World Water Day 2025.