How to Spot the Best Sustainable Knits and Sweats

7 min read

How to Spot the Best Sustainable Knits and Sweats

Are you tired of purchasing fast fashion pieces that quickly fall apart or harm the environment? It's time to embrace sustainable knits and eco-friendly sweats, the perfect blend of style and conscience. In this article, we'll guide you on how to spot the best sustainable fashion options to revamp your wardrobe.

“It's time to embrace sustainable knits and sweats.” 

Sustainable fashion brands are on the rise, offering garments made from eco-friendly materials, ethical production practices, and fair trade. By choosing sustainable knits and ethical sweaters, you'll not only reduce your carbon and water footprints but also support a greener fashion industry. But how do you determine which brands are truly committed to sustainability?

We'll provide you with expert tips on evaluating the sustainability of knitted apparel and supposedly sustainable sweatshirts. From checking the fabric composition and certifications to examining the brand's commitment to fair labour and recycling initiatives, you'll learn to make informed and eco-conscious fashion choices. Say goodbye to low-quality garments and embrace durability, longevity, and style with true sustainable fashion.

Join us as we delve into the world of sustainable knits and ethical sweaters, helping you make ethical choices without compromising on fashion-forward aesthetics. Let's create a sustainable wardrobe that makes a positive impact on both the planet and your personal style.

What to Look for in Sustainable Knits and Sweaters

When searching for sustainable knits and eco-friendly sweaters, there are several key factors to consider. By understanding what to look for, you can ensure that your purchases align with your eco fashion values. Here are some important aspects to consider…

Organic and Natural Fibres

One of the first things to consider when evaluating the sustainability of knitted apparel and eco sweats is the fabric composition. Opt for sustainable garments made from organic and natural fibres such as organic cotton and linen. These fibres are grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals, making them better for the environment and your skin. Additionally, they are biodegradable, meaning they won't contribute to landfill waste when discarded.

“Opt for sustainable garments made from organic and natural fibres.” 

Look for certifications such as GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) to ensure that the fabrics used in the garments are certified organic and free from harmful substances. These certifications provide a guarantee that the entire production process, from fibre to finished product, meets strict environmental and social criteria.

Recycled and Upcycled Materials

Another important aspect of sustainable sweaters and eco-friendly knits is the use of recycled and upcycled materials. Brands that prioritise sustainability often use recycled fibres such as recycled polyester or even recycled wool. These materials help reduce the demand for new raw materials and decrease the amount of waste in landfills, or worse, our ocean!

Upcycling is another innovative approach to sustainability. Some brands repurpose old garments or textile scraps to create new knits and sweats. A classic example of this are TWOTHIRDS’ Deadstock Limited Edition Collections. This not only reduces waste but also adds a unique and artistic touch to the final product. Look for brands that highlight their use of recycled or upcycled materials in their product descriptions or on their websites.

Ethical Production and Fair Trade Practices

Sustainability goes beyond just the materials used; it also includes the production process. Look for eco fashion brands that prioritise ethical production and fair trade practices. This means ensuring that the workers involved in the production of the garments are paid fair wages, work in safe conditions, and have their rights protected. Supporting eco fashion brands that prioritise fair trade practices helps create a more equitable and sustainable fashion industry.

Transparent Supply Chains

Transparency is an important aspect of sustainable fashion. Look for brands that are transparent about their supply chains and production processes. They should be able to provide information about where their materials are sourced, how their garments are made, and who is involved in the production.

Some brands may even go the extra mile to obtain certifications such as B Corp, which demonstrate their commitment to environmental and social responsibility. These certifications indicate that the brand has met specific standards and practices in areas such as waste management, energy efficiency, and worker welfare.

By choosing brands with transparent supply chains and relevant certifications, you can be confident that your ethical knits and sustainable sweaters are produced responsibly and sustainably.

Supporting Local and Independent Brands

While it's important to support sustainable fashion as a whole, there is something special about supporting local and independent brands. These smaller-scale brands often have a stronger focus on sustainability and ethical practices. By purchasing from them, you can contribute to the growth of a more sustainable fashion industry.

Look for local or independent brands that prioritise sustainable materials, ethical production, and fair trade practices. These brands often have a more personal touch, with unique designs and attention to detail. By supporting them, you can not only enjoy stylish and sustainable knits and lovingly-made eco sweaters but also help empower smaller businesses and artisans.

“There is something special about supporting local and independent brands.” 

Sustainable Knitwear Care and Maintenance

Once you've invested in sustainable sweatshirts and sustainable knits, it's important to take care of them properly to ensure their longevity. Proper care and maintenance not only extend the lifespan of your eco garments but also reduce the need for frequent replacements, ultimately reducing waste. Here are some tips for caring for your sustainable knitwear:

  • Follow the care instructions on the garment's label. These instructions are specifically provided to help you maintain the quality and durability of your ethical knitwear and sustainable sweats.
  • Hand wash your sustainable knits whenever possible, using mild detergents that are free from harsh chemicals. Hand washing is gentler on the fibres and helps prevent stretching or shrinking.
  • If machine washing is necessary, use a gentle cycle and place the knits in a mesh laundry bag to protect them from snagging or warping.
  • Avoid using excessive heat when drying your eco knits. Instead, lay them flat on a clean towel or drying rack to air dry.
  • Store your knits folded or rolled rather than hanging them, as hanging can cause the fabric to stretch or lose its shape.
  • Mend any minor damages promptly to prevent them from worsening. Small repairs can help extend the life of any knit or sustainable sweatshirt. Repairing and resisting the urge to buy new knitwear or sweatshirts is the true key to a sustainable fashion lifestyle.

By taking proper care of your sustainable knits and sweats, you can enjoy them for years to come, reducing the need for constant replacements and contributing to a more circular fashion environment.

Conclusion: Making Informed Choices for a More Sustainable Wardrobe

In conclusion, choosing the right sustainable knits and eco-friendly sweaters allows you to make a positive impact on both the planet and your personal style. By considering factors such as organic and natural fibres, recycled and upcycled materials, ethical production and fair trade practices, transparent supply chains and certifications, as well as supporting local and independent brands like TWOTHIRDS, you can ensure that your purchases align with your sustainability life goals.

Additionally, proper care and maintenance of your sustainable knitwear will extend its lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimising waste. By making informed choices and taking care of your garments, you can create a wardrobe that reflects your commitment to sustainability without compromising on style.

So next time you're in the market for a sustainable sweater or eco-friendly knit, remember to look beyond just aesthetics and consider the sustainability of the brand and the garment itself. With a little extra effort, you can build a wardrobe that not only looks great but also supports a greener and more ethical fashion industry. Let's embrace sustainable knits and eco sweats and make a positive change, one garment at a time.