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Freediving with our Sentinel Concha Rossler & Ruth Osborn

2 min read

Freediving with our Sentinel Concha Rossler & Ruth Osborn

An introduction to Freediving with our Sentinel Concha Rossler & Ruth Osborn.

What is Freediving?

Freediving is diving into deep waters on one breath and without any breathing apparatus. Freedivers use inward control, discipline and power to descend into the ocean while holding their breath until they resurface.

In the last few years the interest in freediving has increased tremendously. Being an ocean enthusiast and true water woman Conchita our Sentinel from Mooana Retreat has now set up AIDA certified courses together with her friend Ruth Osborne (AIDA Level 4 Freedive Coach) in Portugal.

We have been part on their first decent.

Here is a little summary of their week:

We were four people on an AIDA Level 1 course in September, all of us surfers and friends of the ocean.

We started in the classroom, learning how to breathe correctly (hint your belly should be moving in and out!!) about safety (NEVER dive alone!!) also how to be safe along with other essential freedive informations.

We were pretty astounded at the world records - who knew it was possible for a human to do a static breath hold for around 9 minutes for the women and 11 minutes for the guys!!! Insane. The depth records were equally impressive and from this we became more aware that we have a huge capacity to hold our breaths in the water.

We learnt also that freediving is all about relaxation. When we went to the pool for our first water session we first spent a lot of time relaxing and turning our attention within and finding peace and calm within ourselves. After diving we found that this peace and calm remained along with a sense of achievement.

The course was without set goals, no set time to hold the breath or a depth to get to and no exam. This made it super relaxed and allowed us to explore with curiosity how it felt to hold our breath in the pool, how it felt when the urge to breath came and what happens in the mind and how we choose to react to this experience.  When we went to the ocean (by Boat) we experienced the feeling of depth for the first time and the beauty and peace that is freediving.

Freediving is about the journey within rather than what we can see when we dive. Although we were happy to know the skills we were learning would be perfect for play should encounters with marine life arise.

Freediving is such a beautiful way to experience the ocean, the water and what you uncover about yourself in it.

Thank you to TWOTHIRDS BCN for the super cosy towels to keep us warm - they were perfect post dive.

Thank you to Tres Marias for hosting us - we couldn’t have dreamt of a more perfectly relaxing location for our theory and pool sessions.  

Thank you Karo for beautifully capturing the experience for us!!

Thank you to Mooana @mooana_retreat @seasoulstories for having the inspiration and for organising such a great course in Portugal.

Thank you Ruth @intheseame for teaching us safely and sound and bringing us closer to the freedivers world. It was a perfect combination of theory, practice & fun.