How Surf Culture Has Influenced TWOTHIRDS' Style, Spirit, And Spontaneity

4 min read

How Surf Culture Has Influenced TWOTHIRDS' Style, Spirit, And Spontaneity

An Endless Passion

Of all TWOTHIRDS’ early inspirations, surfing might be the most important. Getting on a board as a teenager in Hawaii set founder and CEO Lutz Schwenke on a path to entrepreneurialism. His brother still remembers the time Lutz turned to him and said “how cool would it be if there was a clothing brand for surfers?” Unsurprisingly, one of our first garments was a pair of sustainable boardshorts. 

Lutz Schwenke isn’t the only one. Our senior creative team frequently wax lyrical about the values of Endless Summer, a 60s travel movie that brought surfing to the masses. Artist in residence, Emil Kozak grew up in Denmark. When he first discovered the movie, it prompted him to turn a foam mattress into his own bodyboard and bravely face the bitter Baltic Sea! For him, the film shone a bright light on counter-culture and maverick lifestyles that rode against the establishment. Brand manager, Loreto Gala also developed an appreciation of surf culture through Endless Summer.

But surfing hasn’t just influenced the personal lives of the TWOTHIRDS team, it has played a role in developing the core message of the brand. 


For one, the nostalgic aesthetics of the surf scene influences the graphic language of our designers. Besides making clothing that has a distinctly Californian, relaxed vibe, much of our messaging draws on being at the beach. 

Take a look at this men’s tee, designed by Emil, and featuring the slogan:




As Emil explained in this video: “the beach is like my sanctuary, it’s my favourite place to be, and think, and contemplate.” Spoken like a true surfer. 

He also told us, “(what inspires me is) people who are trying to bend the norm,” which might explain why he always looked up to surfing legends who refused to follow the mainstream. 

We’ve also focused on enhancing our sustainable swimwear, making styles that are suited for surfers, from more technical fabrics. Our one-piece swimsuits for women exemplify this move. 

Finally, surfing has seeped its way into our videography, courtesy of Kike Martín, who has been making TWOTHIRDS clothing look epic for years. “My passion for surfing began on the Costa Dorada.” He told us some years ago. “Seeing some kids one summer going to the beach in a small fishing village caught my attention. Since that day I have never stopped thinking about surf, waves, and the sea.”


Through surfing, Lutz Schwenke found a kind of spiritual outlet. He sometimes compares the sport to meditation, because it’s in those moments (catching a wave) that you feel completely tuned into the present. Your thoughts don’t exactly disappear, but they at least take on the form of the sea itself. Fluid, detached, free. 

Likewise, surfing has influenced the philosophy of TWOTHIRDS, and shaped the way we do business. With a central focus on creating a better future through the products we make, rather than pursuing profits irresponsibly. 

As Lutz recently explained

“There seemed to be a misalignment between surfers who believed in looking after the ocean and surf brands who couldn’t have cared less, and would try to dazzle you with flashy colours and logos. Our clothing has gone in the opposite direction - towards keeping the ocean clean while making high quality garments that anyone can wear.” 


There’s no use being stiff and inflexible on a board. We think the same applies to sustainable clothing, and choose to work in a way that can maximise our creativity while minimising stress! Fortunately, our office has a beautiful garden and you can see the Mediterranean from the summer deck, allowing us to breathe and collect ourselves before diving into the next task. 

The Blue Company’s spontaneity is what allows us to be ahead of the breaking wave, pooling our ideas together - via Lutz, Loreto, and our wonderful team - in order to break the boundaries of what sustainable fashion can do. We’re not workaholics (no surfer would choose to be!), but at the same time we’re highly focused on the next leap, the next move, prepared for when inspiration strikes. 


Lutz has always viewed sustainability as integral to the brand’s mission. This too, may originate in his love of surfing, which - along with his time at the UN… - gave him an appreciation for the ocean and its role in sustaining life. Since they spend so much time in the ocean, surfers are pretty well positioned to sound the alarm about how it is changing! Accordingly, TWOTHIRDS (being effectively a “surf brand”) has always taken it upon itself to face issues like plastic pollution, acidification, and climate change, all of which are related to the production of fashion. 

Check out our ECO page for more information on what we do to safeguard the ocean within our efforts to make sustainable clothing. 

Our surf-inspired spirit and sustainability recently helped the brand secure B Corp™ certification, by meeting high legal, environmental, and social standards. They “use business as a force for good”. B Corp felt right for us, because it involves a collective push for change, and helps assure our community that we’re moving in the right direction. 

After all, there are few things more important to a surfer - and to us - than their community. 

We’re super stoked to sea what comes next!