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Cedric Bihr

1 min read

Cedric Bihr

BORN: Lavelanet, France
RESIDENCE: Brooklyn, New York
OCCUPATION: Writer, Photographer

Being thankful for all the luck.
I grew up in the mountains, the Pyrenees. But when we were kids, we had an agreement between my parents, the school and my brothers : if we did good enough in class, they would let us go one month earlier for sailing. The best motivation we ever had. And we would leave in the begining of June for a month, sailing around. I learned to scuba dive with my Father when i was 6, sharing one bottle under water, to troll fish and get the dinner, and to stay quiet when it was getting rough outside. Then, we use to spend the rest of summer in Brittany, on a small peninsula, near St Malo, where my Father grew his own love for the sea. Exploring islands accessible at low-tide, chasing spider crabs and getting the basics of wave riding on windsurfs and skimboards.

Not very surprisingly, I studied biology for many years, specialising in whale behaviour. Of course, I enjoyed spending days on the water, following humpbacks and blue whales but science journalism seemed to gather everything I loved : traveling a lot, writing, meeting new people, getting to see things I had no idea about, and hopefully bring people to think about nature. This is when i started taking photographs seriously.

After sharing my time between Paris and Guethary in the Basque country, having lived 2 years in L.A., I live in Brooklyn with my wife and two dogs. We drove from California to Maine and I must say that the smell of the Atlantic was like being home again, despite being on the other side. I try to go surfing as often as possible, spend time in the water or on the sand with people I love.
