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10 Important Ways To Help The Ocean In Daily Life

6 min read

10 Important Ways To Help The Ocean In Daily Life

The ocean needs our help. Coral is dying, species are going extinct, and sea levels are rising. As if that wasn’t enough - the ocean is practically a dumping ground for the world’s plastic waste: around 8 million pieces of plastic wind up in the ocean. Daily. Scientists fear that there are between 82 and 352 trillion particles of microplastics floating around in the top foot of the ocean alone. 

And yet, for every problem, there is a solution. It’s vital that we make the effort to cut-down on our emissions, and that we buy the right products. Better choices go a long way in ocean conservation. 

It is also worth recognising that to help the ocean is really to help ourselves. We depend on it for our food, fun, and future. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 10 of the most important ways you can help to protect the ocean in your daily life! 

Everyday Tips For Ocean Conservation

“It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life first arose should now be threatened by the activities of one form of that life. But the sea, though changed in a sinister way, will continue to exist; the threat is rather to life itself.” - Rachel Carson, The Sea Around Us

1. Reduce Single-Use Plastics

One of the biggest threats to our oceans is plastic pollution. Single-use plastics like straws, plastic bags, and disposable water bottles are major contributors to this problem. You can help by reducing your own use of single-use plastics, by using reusable bags, water bottles, and straws instead. Check out our accessories selection, for a range of ocean-themed items that support the reuse revolution! 

2. Dispose Of Waste Properly

Properly disposing of waste is critical to protecting our oceans. Be sure to recycle your waste in a responsible manner, and never, ever litter. Even small items like cigarette butts and bottle caps can be harmful to marine life. In fact, this is exactly the type of waste that you’ll often find floating around the Mediterranean - where we live. It’s always a sad sight, and takes the wind out of a good surf session. 

3. Choose Sustainable Seafood

Overfishing is a major problem that can harm the health of our oceans. 3 billion people worldwide depend on seafood as a protein source, and overfishing (where stocks are depleted, even leading to a reduction in the size of fish) could cause a food crisis. You can help by choosing seafood that is sustainably sourced, such as products with the MSC or ASC labels. Though branded “the best we’ve got”, the MSC is not without controversy, so it may be even better to stick to locally caught produce that you know is not linked to overfishing. 

Did you know? Dietary changes - involving less or no meat and fish - are one of the most powerful ways an individual can reduce their environmental footprint. It’s why many environmentalists propose going vegan. 

4. Support Ocean Conservation Organisations

There are many organisations dedicated to protecting our oceans, such as the Ocean Conservancy, Oceana, and the Surfrider Foundation. You can support these organisations by making donations, volunteering, or participating in their events and campaigns.

TWOTHIRDS has worked with a few ocean-focused NGOS in the past!

5. Use Eco-Friendly Products

Cosmetics contain chemicals that can harm marine life when they enter the ocean. Look for eco-friendly alternatives that are biodegradable and safe for aquatic ecosystems.

Of course, you can also support sustainable fashion brands. TWOTHIRDS makes clothing that specifically addresses the issues of water usage, pesticide pollution, and plastic waste. All our packaging is made from paper, and our synthetic materials (like polyester and nylon) are nearly always recycled. Some of the fibres we use even biodegrade under any given condition. 

Recently we collaborated with Spanish artist Javirroyo to make an Earth Day tee, named Planet Ocean. Speaking of his magnificent design, Javirroyo told us, “the oceans are really the beings that inhabit them. And that's the message I wanted to convey. They are the ones responsible for life on Earth.”

6. Use Public Transportation Or Carpool

Fossil fuels contribute to climate change, which in turn harms the ocean. It is a little known fact that the ocean has absorbed 2/3s of human-made heat since the industrial revolution…! One way to reduce your carbon footprint is to use public transportation or carpool when possible, which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Go one better by cycling to work - a zero emission transport option that feels great too. 

7. Participate In Beach Cleanups

Beach cleanups are a great way to help remove trash and debris from our oceans and beaches. Look for opportunities to participate in cleanups in your local area, or organise your own. This can be a really positive way of interacting with your local community and meeting like-minded people who care about helping the ocean recover. 

Whereas some of our tips focus on preventing problems, this one is about damage limitation. We need both antidotes and cures to help the ocean.

8. Reduce Water Usage

The less water we use, the less water needs to be treated and returned to the ocean. You can help by reducing your own water usage, such as by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, and using water-efficient appliances. Fitting a microplastic catcher to your washing machine will also help. These fibres seep into water systems everytime you wash synthetic clothing. 

9. Choose Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Cleaning products can contain harmful chemicals that can enter the ocean through wastewater. Choose non-toxic, eco-friendly cleaning products instead. These will usually be marked out by EU Ecolabel certification, and will not contain elements that harm the ocean like plastic microbeads. 

10. Raise Awareness

Finally, one of the most important things you can do to help our oceans is to spread awareness about ocean conservation. Share what you have learned with others (on social media, at work, and in-person) and encourage them to take action as well. 

In Conclusion…

By making simple changes to reduce your plastic use, supporting sustainable seafood, and reducing your carbon footprint, you can help augment the health and well-being of our oceans for generations to come.

That said, any environmentalist will tell you that the goodwill of normal people is not enough - ultimately corporations and governments have to take drastic action to prevent the destruction of the ocean’s delicate ecosystems. There is some good news in this area: the UN finally passed the High Seas Treaty - two decades in the making! - in March. On the brink of tears, Conference President Rena Lee said, “the ship has reached the shore”.