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Golden Memories: Supporting SUPerando 2018

4 min read

Golden Memories: Supporting SUPerando 2018

Caring For Oceans Must Be Inclusive

As environmental movements, both in the eco fashion industry and beyond, gather global momentum, it is important to remember that they will only effect long lasting change if they are inclusive.

Being eco-friendly is not the sole preserve of one societal clique. Part of fighting for a better future means not leaving anyone behind; ensuring that everyone protects our planet as part of a team, with each member having their say in what a sustainable future should look like. That could even include giving input on sustainable clothing designs!

One group of society who are often forgotten in this regard are people with physical and/or mental disabilities, despite them being key contributors to the fight against climate breakdown and the destruction of precious wildlife habitats.

This issue is always at the forefront of the mind of our branding siren, Loreto, who is constantly looking for ways to make our sustainable clothing line for kids (Children of the Ocean) as inclusive as it is environmentally sustainable. 

This is in part due to her own family’s experiences with how Down Syndrome children and adults are perceived. Her little brother was born with the condition in Chile, a country with a unique bond to the ocean, owing to its 4,000km of coastline. As her brother grew up, it became clear that – contrary to conventional thinking – he was not only capable of swimming in the waves, but could surf them as well, coming alive, to feel truly free when he experienced this intense connection with nature.

Loreto undoubtedly had her brother in mind when she approached Sara at SUPerando, an NGO whose mission it is to provide stand-up paddleboard (aka SUP) experiences for children with a wide range of disabilities; whose thirst for life is taken to new levels when they enter the sea.

Transformative Experience For All

On a sunny Barcelona day in 2018, both Lutz and Loreto, along with other members from the TWOTHIRDS team, were on hand to support one of the incredible hour-long sessions run by SUPerando and its group of dedicated volunteers. 

Many of the people who give up their free time to run these transformative activities are from the families of the children involved, but there are others too, all of whom are drawn to the incredible energy these true Children of the Ocean exude. The energy on the beach and out on the water was truly something to behold; a feeling we still treasure to this day, one that lifts us up, especially when we feel sorry for ourselves at low points in our comparatively privileged existences.

T-Shirts All Round

As well as playing an active role on the day to help kids surf and stand-up paddleboard, part of us showing our support for this remarkable organisation was handing out “Children of the Ocean” organic cotton t-shirts, both in adult sizes and kids sizes.

The thinking behind this was to have kids and parents recall the good times they had in the sea, to make them want to return again and again. It was a small gesture, but one that put the cherry on top of what had already been a day to remember. 

The sustainable t-shirts we handed out on Barceloneta Beach were created with the same care and attention as all the others in our kids range, many of which bear the iconic graphic designs that brought success to the TWOTHIRDS eco-fashion brand in the first place. 

Not only do our t-shirts fit like a dream, but their organic cotton is kind to your skin, thanks to no harmful pesticides or fertilisers being used to produce it. This highly sustainable fabric is remarkably soft to the touch. It is also reassuring for wearers that the material their t-shirt is made from is sourced ethically and that it has a far smaller carbon/water footprint than that of regular cotton.

Eco-Conscious = Socially Conscious

Just because our brand’s overarching purpose is to protect the ocean, the mere act of caring for the environment is also one of societal significance. After all, what can be more society-minded than safeguarding the one community resource that every single person on the planet uses? Our time spent with SUPerando reminded us that compassion for the planet should always go hand-in-hand with compassion for our fellow man.

As well as all our efforts to be a more eco-conscious, eco-fashion brand, we regularly reach out to NGOs that we believe deserve a little helping hand. Just some of the organisations we’ve collaborated with or have directly supported include WWF Spain and  InfiniteEARTH. We are always on the lookout for other worthy causes we can get behind. If you know of one, why not send it our way!