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4 Barcelona Surf Spots - International Surfing Day

4 min read

4 Barcelona Surf Spots - International Surfing Day

Let’s be honest, Barcelona is hardly one of the planet’s most renowned surf spots. But when the weather turns and the tourists leave, locals wearing TWOTHIRDS sustainable bikinis or eco-friendly boardshorts are often treated to some pumping surf sessions.  

While it wouldn’t be right to give away all of the secret breaks that dot this stretch of Mediterranean coast, here are some of the spots that anyone visiting Barcelona during autumn/winter should be sure to check out. It’s the least we can do on International Surfing Day 2023.

Barceloneta Beach

During the summer months this beach throngs with locals and tourists - who often can be seen wearing sustainable swimwear - all drawn to its proximity to the city centre and its surprisingly good water quality (something that has been much improved in recent years).

For most of the year this beach is more suited to swimmers and sun worshippers who wear our sustainable bikinis and ethical swimsuits, rather than dedicated surfers, because the waters often resemble a tranquil pond. However, when swells do hit the beach in autumn/winter Barcelona’s surf enthusiasts come out of hibernation, wearing fair fashion boardshorts beneath their wetsuits, in the knowledge that very surfable waves will be served up.

A nice tip is to head north of the main Barceloneta beach to Nova Icaria beach, where you may find yourself in a slightly less crowded line-up. Whichever beach you choose, be sure not to leave any valuables unattended on your sustainable beach blanket. If you hire a board, ask if you can leave your belongings with the surf shop, so you can enjoy your session with peace of mind.


Okay, okay, strictly speaking this isn’t a Barcelona surf spot, but with the beautiful town of Sitges only a short train ride away, there’s no doubt that plenty of locals prefer heading here to catch waves than fighting it out with the crowds in Barcelona. Go here when the surf is up and you’re bound to see plenty of TWOTHIRDS’ sustainable swimwear helping folks catch waves at the popular break known as The Cemetery (located opposite the town’s local cemetery) as well as the harbour walls at Aiguadolc.


Heading in the opposite direction from Sitges, Masnou is yet another local beach break which can easily be reached by train. Indeed, the train line runs parallel to the beach, so you can watch what the water’s doing long before you reach your destination.

Masnou is one of the best spots to catch long rides. Its banks also hold up well during storm swells, which also happens to be the best time to surf this spot. When you’re done surfing, this is a spot that’s well worth remembering for summer - when you want to get out of your wetsuit and slip on fair trade bikinis, sustainable swimsuits or eco boardshorts instead, because its golden sands are more spacious than those wedged between Barcelona and the Mediterranean. 


Get out of Barcelona and head towards Masnou on the train, but before you get there you could hop off at Montgat. This exposed stretch of sand looks out over banks that have been known to fire when the conditions are right, but don’t expect to surf summer waves in your ethical bikini or eco-friendly swimsuit, because this is a spot that strictly comes to life when temps drop and the Med gets a little angry.

Localism Is A Thing

A little something to be aware of when surfing in Barcelona and on its surrounding breaks is that locals can be fiercely protective of the limited waves that hit their coast. Many in the surf community are trying to change this, making the sea an inclusive place where everyone can thrive and make a genuine connection with the ocean. That’s hard to do when you have a red-faced angry person huffing and puffing in front of you. 

The best way to keep you and your sustainable boardshorts out of trouble is to respect the unwritten rules of the line-up, as well as throwing in some Spanish or Catalan. A little respect can go a long way, and after all, this is not Pipeline or Jaws we’re all trying to surf.

Patience Is The Key

One of the beauties of surfing is that the sport’s disciples are dictated to by the ocean. If there’s no swell, then there’s no surf, and people have to sit back - relax in their ethical swimsuit or sustainable bikini - and wait out the lull. Nowhere is this more so the case than in Barcelona, where the city can go weeks or months without good surf. 

The best way to approach surfing in the city is to always have your eco-friendly boardshort or ethical bikini to hand, and to use the excellent surf rental shops that dot the Barceloneta district, so you can jump in the ocean just as soon as a surprise swell hits. We’ll see you out there!